“Wealth is when small efforts produce big results. Poverty is when big efforts produce small results” George David.
Come to think of it; the most industrious people on earth are not the wealthiest. If you doubt this, take a walk down the market or any busy street and observe people in their various activities. Watch the vulcanizers, the labourers, barrow/truck pushers the masons and brick layers. Then walk into a bank or a nearby company, visit a Manager or CEO of the company. Compare and contrast. Then, judge for yourself.
Let me give you a vivid example; I once visited the popular Onitsha main market. As I was walking along one street inside the big market, someone shouted behind me “Uzo!” (meaning: give way!). Before I could turn, the struggling man with heavy bags well balanced on his shoulder hit me slightly with the bags. I got angry and wanted to scold at the man, but seeing his predicaments with that heavy load, engulfed in his sweat, perspiration and ruggedness, I quietly closed my mouth and shouted, “God have mercy!”. Within the same street, I saw two men pushing a big carriage (truck) fully loaded with bags of rice. It was really a pity but this is a common sight every time you take a walk down any market or a busy street.
Think about the barrow pushers, the truck pushers and think again. If upon all their efforts and sufferings they could barely feed their families, do you think the payment they get justifies the level of suffering and energy they spend doing their job. Think about the brick layers, the menial labourers and think again.
On another note, think about employed workers and salary earners in this country today and think again. Do you think they are better off than you are? Do you also think they are even better than the barrow/truck pushers? Think again. However the situation, one thing is sure; they earn their wages. They earn some income and that makes them better than one who doesn’t. But is that all? No! This is why the call is very loud today: Make a way for the little you earn today to work for you and for a better tomorrow. That is Wealth Creation!
The question is: “How do you do that?”
You can do that by creating what Robert G. Allen calls Multiple Streams of Income. He has a Money Management Strategy (MMS) which he taught in his book: Multiple Streams of Income. I recommend that book for all who haven’t read it. Those who have read it need to start practicing what it teaches. We are going to borrow some ideas from him and other financial gurus. But the main idea is on Wealth Creation.
Remember, According to George David, “Wealth is when small efforts produce big results. Poverty is when big efforts produce small results”.
Follow us on this site as we open your eyes on how to create wealth through a sound Money Management Strategy.
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